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All In One WP Security est un module d’extension recommandé en raison de son engagement à assurer une compatibilité permanente et de son partenariat avec WPML. All In One WP Security esttotalement compatible avec WPML.

All In One WP Security

– Développé par UpdraftPlus

Version 5.3.0

Dernier test le : juin 20, 2024

All in One WP Security makes it easy for WordPress users of all knowledge levels to secure user accounts, login information, your database, your files, and more. It uses a security points scoring system to tell you at a glance how secure your site is based on the number of security features you have enabled. It breaks down security features into basic, intermediate, or advanced options based on the impact they will have on your site’s functionality. It also contains firewall mechanisms, blacklist functionality, and includes a WHOIS lookup to check suspicious IP addresses and domain names.

All in One WP Security also includes easy backup and restore functions for your htaccess and wp-config files. You can also create manual or scheduled backups.

Problèmes connus

Il n'y a aucun problème de compatibilité irrésolu entre ce module d'extension et WPML. Rechercher tous les problèmes connus.