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Today, we released WPML 4.5.11, an important security update for a recently discovered issue.

Recently, we were notified of an issue that allows unauthorized access to some WPML internal calls. It’s important to note that this vulnerability is only accessible to registered site users, not just any site visitor. However, we always recommend updating to the latest version of WPML and keeping your site’s theme and plugins up to date to keep your site secure.

This update also includes a fix for an issue that could lead to a fatal error when WPML Media Translation is enabled and you are saving posts with big amounts of anchor HTML tags.

How to Update to WPML 4.5.11

This release is immediately available to all clients with active WPML accounts. To update to the latest version, go to PluginsAdd New and click the Commercial tab. If you don’t see the updates available yet, click Check for Updates.

Checking for the WPML 4.5.11 update

You can also download this update from the Downloads page in your WPML account.

Questions or Comments?

Let us know in the comment section below, and we’ll reply.

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Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

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