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Give – Donation Plugin è compatibile con WPML. Questo plug-in è stato testato a fondo e può essere utilizzato per creare siti multilingue senza riscontrare problemi.

Give – Donation Plugin

– Sviluppato da GiveWP

Versione 3.1.1 (problemi noti)

Data dell’ultimo test: Novembre 17, 2023

Give is a WordPress donation plugin that simplifies online fundraising. With features like customizable donation forms, recurring donations, and robust reporting, it empowers organizations to easily and effectively collect donations on their websites.

Please note: We have been in touch with the GiveWP team about the known issues. They resolve issues based on the number of upvotes. Should you wish to report an issue or vote for an issue to be resolved, please review their feature request page.

Problemi noti