Problem: The client created translations in NL and EN from the French language for their website using the usual method by clicking on the '+'. However, in the translator, the fields of the Price List widget do not appear. After making a correction in French, all translations in NL and EN reverted back to French. Solution: The issue was due to the Price List widget originating from a third-party theme or plugin that was not compatible with WPML. If these are widgets implemented in Elementor, they need to be registered as explained here: To prevent translations in NL and EN from reverting to French after a correction, avoid modifying the English and Dutch content directly from these pages. Do not alter the translation using the site editor.
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If further assistance is needed, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: The client was unable to translate filters from English to French on their website. Despite translating, the 'Type' filter did not work on the French version of the site for the Collections, Experience, Cruises, and Inspirations pages.
Solution: We recreated the issue on a sandbox site and managed to get the filter working correctly. Here are the steps we took: 1. Created a Custom Post Type (CPT) 'Collections' with a meta field 'Catégorie hébergement' based on a Glossary 'Glossary Collections category type'. 2. Created a Filter 'Desktop - Collection Categories Checkbox' based on this glossary. 3. Created the listing 'Listing_collection_Vignette'. For translations: 1. Set 'Collections (collections)' to be translatable in 'WPML > Settings > Post Types'. 2. Set the custom field '_categorie-hebergement' to be translatable in 'WPML > Settings > Custom Fields'. 3. Translated the glossary labels in 'WPML > String Translation'. 4. Translated the filter title to French. 5. Translated the hotels in 'Collections', ensuring the translation of the field '_categorie-hebergement' matched the glossary. 6. Translated the Elementor page to French. Additionally, we advised the client to update all French hotels to re-save the '_categorie-herbergement' field and its translation.
On the staging site, we cleared all caches, deactivated LocoTranslate, changed the AJAX request type for filters, and then reset it to ensure it was refreshed.
If you're experiencing a similar issue, we recommend you try the steps outlined above. However, the solution might be irrelevant due to being outdated or not applicable to your case. If so, please open a new support ticket. We also highly recommend checking related known issues, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins.
Problème : Si vous tentez de traduire du contenu de l'anglais vers le français en back office et que vous rencontrez des problèmes, comme une traduction qui ne se génère pas ou une icône de chargement qui continue de tourner, ou encore une image de mise en avant qui n'est pas reprise dans la traduction, alors vous êtes peut-être confronté à un problème de traductions bloquées. Solution : Nous recommandons d'abord d'essayer d'éditer le contenu par défaut et de l'envoyer à nouveau à la traduction. Si le problème persiste, suivez ces étapes : 1. Allez dans WPML > Support > Dépannage. 2. Utilisez tous les boutons disponibles pour résoudre les problèmes de traduction, comme illustré ici : 3. Consultez notre documentation pour plus d'informations sur les options de dépannage de WPML :
Problème :
Vous essayez de voir la version française de votre page d'accueil, mais vous êtes automatiquement redirigé vers la version anglaise originale.
Solution :
Nous avons identifié que le problème est dû à une configuration dans votre plugin de redirection qui redirige la version française de la page d'accueil vers la version anglaise. Pour résoudre ce problème, veuillez accéder à "Outils > Redirection > Redirections" dans votre panneau d'administration et supprimer toutes les règles de redirection qui ont été définies pour la langue française, en particulier pour "" ou simplement "/fr". Une fois la redirection supprimée, le problème devrait être résolu.
Si cette solution ne semble pas pertinente, veuillez ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support en visitant notre forum de support WPML.
Problem: The client was unable to translate the content of Custom Post Types (CPTs), only the titles were available for translation. Solution: We recommended the client to check the WPML settings for Custom Fields Translation. The client managed to resolve the issue by fetching the system fields in the WPML settings under 'Parameter/Custom Fields Translation'. This allowed the client to include CPT fields in the translation editor.
If you're experiencing similar issues with translating CPT content, we recommend you to: 1. Go to WPML's 'Custom Fields Translation' settings. 2. Ensure that the system fields for your CPTs are set to be included in the translation editor. 3. If needed, adjust the settings for each field to make them available for translation.
If this solution doesn't look relevant to your issue, please open a new support ticket with us and we'll be happy to assist you further.
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