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Daniel Kuttner’s German-based company, Croox, builds websites for clients across Europe. Therefore, they needed to find a professional translation service to quickly deliver translations of a high standard.

Daniel Kuttner

Why did you decide to use a translation service?

We were initially relying on friends to help us with translations. It was ok but the speed was not great. Plus we were getting more and more work so we needed to boost our productivity.

So we started looking for translations services and that’s when we came across ICanLocalize. We had tried other plugins but we liked how it worked with WPML. We decided to try it with some smaller projects and it worked great.

How much do you rely on a translation service?

A lot! We have to translate a lot of brochures and other items for printing so we’re using ICanLocalize on a weekly basis I’d say. During the year we’ll translate around 50,000 words.

How quickly do the translators complete the tasks?

Very quickly and more importantly the communication is great. Jobs are always completed on time. For example, if I assign 2,500 words I know I will receive it within a week and it will be done and to a high standard. It’s great for the client.

What’s the best thing about using a translation service?

It’s the fact that we can offer our clients this service with the knowledge that we can do it at a fast pace – whichever language they want.

It’s great to have something like this because when clients come to us with complex websites we can tell them that we can do it. So we’re taking on more work than ever.

Are the prices of a translation service worth paying?

Yes definitely, they’re so much cheaper than what we realized that it made complete business sense to start using professional translators.

They’re much cheaper than us handling them all ourselves. It was one of the main motivations for starting. Plus with ICanLocalize we are in direct contact with the professionals which makes life easier.

What is the quality of the translations like?

They’re good. I’m not a native speaker but for our needs they seem perfect. And whenever we have a lot of important work we can book more than one reviewer to ensure they are of a high standard if needed. It’s great to have that as a fallback.

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