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Duplicate Page é um plugin recomendado graças a seu compromisso com a contínua compatibilidade e parceria com o WPML. Duplicate Page étotalmente compatível com o WPML.

Duplicate Page

– Desenvolvido por mndpsingh287

Versão 4.5.3

Testado pela última vez em: outubro 26, 2023

Duplicate Page allows you to make exact copies of various post types and display them immediately as published or keep them private, saved as a draft, or pending.

Duplicate PRO includes more controls like choosing where the duplicate link is shown in your site’s admin, setting permissions for your users, adding a standard prefix or suffix to your copied post’s title, and more.

In association with WPML, the Duplicate Page plugin duplicates the post/page under the chosen language only. In other words, the pages that you duplicate won’t be duplicated along with the translated version(s) of the page. You can simply translate these pages as you would normally do for newly added pages.

Problemas conhecidos

Não há problemas de compatibilidade não resolvidos entre este plugin e o WPML. Pesquisar todos os problemas conhecidos.