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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

If you set a shipping method to a specific product category or product using Flexible Shipping PRO plugin, it won’t be displayed on secondary languages.


Option 1

Edit your Flexible Shipping PRO shipping settings and add the rule for different languages.

Option 2

Go to WPML > String Translation page, look for the woocommerce_flexible_shipping_single string and translate the ID’s for the rules added.

2 phản hồi đẾN “Flexible Shipping PRO - Shipping methods do not appear on translated cart”

  1. The instructions above are unfortunately unclear. Neither option 1, nor option 2 are clear.

    Regarding Option 2: A string named “woocommerce_flexible_shipping_single” does not exist in string translations

    • Regarding the first option, as the screenshot indicates, the goal is to add the products in all languages.
      Then, if you can’t find the string “woocommerce_flexible_shipping_single”, please try going to WPML > String Translation and click on the blue link at the bottom of the page: “Translate texts in admin screens »”.
      If you still can’t solve this issue, please open a chat in our assistance channel.

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