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Reported for: WPML SEO

Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When you enable the Strip Category Base option in Rank MathGeneral Settings and translate the taxonomy slug in WPMLTaxonomy Translation, the translated archive page displays a 404 error.

On the other hand, if you enable the Remove base or Remove category base in Rankmath → General Settings→WooCommerce, the translated pages won’t display 404 errors, however the product and product-category slugs will still be displayed on the translation.


We’re working on a fix for this issue. In the meantime, do not translate the category, product or product-category slugs. The untranslated terms won’t be visible in the URL anyway when you use any those options.

31 phản hồi đẾN “Rank Math SEO - Turning on "Strip Category Base" or "Remove base" causes issues with secondary languages”

  1. Hello,
    Same problem here with both strip category base enabled or disabled.
    That’s great to see that this issue is only for the category archive and not product category archive. Does the update will come soon ?

    For your workaround fix, you say to not translate the category slug but WPML add automaticly -es after the original slug so how can we not translate the slug ?

  2. Hi,

    I am experiencing the same problem. I followed the instructions but it did not work for me.

    I have 3 languages on my site. I had the slugs translated but I reverted this to the original language and used rank math to strip the product-category base url.

    The only onlies stripped were the product-category urls from the main language. The other two languages still the same.

    Any tips?


  3. Hi Andrés,

    the issue I’m experiencing is that translated product category archives are redirecting to the main language version. This is likely related to the issue described in this page.

    Unfortunately, before running into this article I already translated the product categories (including slugs).

    Is there any way to remove the slugs translation?

    Best regards

    • Hello Luigi,
      The workaround doesn’t need you to remove your product categories translations, it refers to the slugs of these 3 strings: category, product or product-category. This should be achievable from WPML > String Translation.
      However, if you encounter any difficulty with this issue, please start a chat in our assistance channel. One of our specialists will guide you through this process.

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