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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using the YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce plugin with WPML, the resources module does not work as expected for translated bookable products. This means resources cannot be displayed properly for products in secondary languages.


Currently, there is no direct workaround to resolve this issue, as the resources module in YITH Booking is not integrated with WPML.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Open a new ticket in our support forum explaining the issue. Mention this errata for reference.
  2. Reach out to YITH’s support team and report the compatibility issue with their resources module and WPML.

3 phản hồi đẾN “YITH Booking - Resources Module is Not Compatible with WPML”

  1. Hello, I am using WPML for translation and YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce for booking. I am translating Resources and I am also translating the products using WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency. However, the Resources themselves are not displayed in the translated products. Could you please help me? When I switch the language, the “Type of visit” (Resource) disappears.

Để lại câu trả lời

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