状态 主题
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Formatting marker issues

发起人: foof9 中: English Support

0 4 4 days, 10 hours前

Dražen Duvnjak

Automatic translation

发起人: maarten 中: English Support

1 8 4 days, 11 hours前


translation stop

发起人: rouaM 中: Chat Support

0 2 5 days, 9 hours前


Traduzione post ferma al 96%

发起人: Gianni 中: Chat Support

0 2 5 days, 10 hours前


Translations get stuck on cog wheel

发起人: jamesC-40 中: English Support

3 11 5 days, 11 hours前

Andreas W.

WPML bulk translations

发起人: sandraF-13 中: English Support

2 28 5 days, 12 hours前

Carlos Rojas

Links gone in translations

发起人: marcialB 中: English Support

1 15 5 days, 12 hours前

Carlos Rojas

Error en la página de Translations Queue

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: Soporte en español

2 11 5 days, 15 hours前

Paola Mendiburu

why is your service so many times down?

发起人: nelsonr-5 中: English Support

0 4 6 days前

Mihai Apetrei

WPML translate automatically content that should not be changed

发起人: Pieter 中: English Support

2 8 6 days, 4 hours前


Bugs multiples Advanced Translation Editor

发起人: T4ng 中: Assistance en français

2 11 6 days, 8 hours前

Bruno Kos

Prepaid credits not showing

发起人: stephenW-23 中: Chat Support

0 2 6 days, 9 hours前


Traduction champs personnalisés

发起人: xavierT-14 中: Assistance en français

0 3 6 days, 12 hours前


Impossible to edit translation in advanced translation editor it gives blank screen

发起人: rokasB-4 中: English Support

0 2 6 days, 13 hours前

Carlos Rojas