



状态 主题
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Orange sprocket next to translated product

发起人: digitalW-2 中: English Support

0 2 3 days前

Carlos Rojas

How i can restore the product translation to its original state?

发起人: digitalW-2 中: English Support

0 2 3 days, 22 hours前


When translating a product in woocommerce it shows in different language with (copy)(copy) title at …

发起人: digitalW-2 中: English Support

0 3 1 weeks, 2 days前

Bruno Kos

I have a problem with menu and homepage after automatic translation

发起人: digitalW-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 3 weeks前

I dont know how the translation works

发起人: digitalW-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 4 months, 2 weeks前

I dont know why i cant see translated strings on front

发起人: digitalW-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 1 weeks前

I need help with sidebar and calculator translation.

发起人: digitalW-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 1 weeks前

My ticket was closed

发起人: digitalW-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 3 weeks前

Problem with defautl landuage / email and basket.

发起人: digitalW-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 3 weeks前

I need help with translations of "add to cart" and "technical information"

发起人: digitalW-2 中: English Support

2 15 6 months, 2 weeks前

Lucas Vidal de Andrade

Split: Menu cart item

发起人: digitalW-2 中: English Support

2 2 6 months, 3 weeks前

Lucas Vidal de Andrade

English langage switcher doesnt show on pages diffrent than homepage

发起人: digitalW-2 中: English Support

2 2 2 years, 1 months前


所有文章的作者 digitalW-2: