



状态 主题
支持者 声音 文章 新鲜度
Translate Secondary Language

发起人: yukiS-2 中: English Support

2 2 5 months, 3 weeks前

Mihai Apetrei

Secondary Language Translation

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 3 weeks前

Custom flag issue

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 4 weeks前

WPML Language Flag

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 4 weeks前

Import Secondary Language

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 4 weeks前

Secondary Language Translation Import

发起人: yukiS-2 中: English Support

2 3 6 months前


Product Category Image

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 7 months前

variation swatches images missing from translated products

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 11 months, 3 weeks前

How to translate variation swatches?

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 11 months, 4 weeks前

Language Switcher Not Working on Chrome

发起人: yukiS-2 中: English Support

2 2 12 months前


Woocommerce Multilingual

发起人: yukiS-2 中: English Support

1 1 12 months前


ACF Media Translation

发起人: yukiS-2 中: English Support

2 2 1 years, 9 months前


Cannot Write MO Files

发起人: yukiS-2 中: English Support

2 2 2 years, 1 months前

Osama Mersal

WPML Cannot Write MO Files for String Translation

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 2 years, 1 months前

facing the issue of WPML plugin cannot connect to wpml.org

发起人: yukiS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 2 years, 4 months前

所有文章的作者 yukiS-2: