Problem: The client is developing an e-commerce site using WPML Multilingual CMS, WPML String Translation, and WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency. They encountered an issue where Ajax buttons do not work in the Spanish store, which is the default language. The buttons work fine in English. Disabling WPML String Translation resolves the issue, suggesting a compatibility problem between the Porto theme (updated) and WPML String Translation (updated). Solution: We recommended the client to: 1. Create a complete backup of the site or set up a staging site. 2. Update any outdated plugins or themes. 3. Clear any existing cache. 4. Deactivate all plugins, including WPML plugins. 5. Activate a default WordPress theme, such as Twenty Twenty. 6. Reactivate WPML plugins, WooCommerce, and WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency. 7. If the problem disappears, reactivate the theme and other plugins one by one to identify the culprit. Additionally, our second-level specialists suggested that the issue might be due to a translated file that shouldn't be. They advised deleting or renaming the .mo files one by one in the
directory to see which one might be causing the issue. After modifying the files, the site should be loaded on the frontend to regenerate the .mo files.
If this solution does not resolve the issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please do not hesitate to open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Проблема: Клиент пытался перевести строку в JavaScript, которая отображает количество отзывов в заголовке вкладки. Однако перевод не работал должным образом. Решение: 1. Для решения этой проблемы необходимо сделать строку переводимой в JavaScript. Мы рекомендуем использовать методы, описанные в документации WordPress по локализации JavaScript: 2. Возможно, вы столкнетесь с проблемами, связанными с переводом строк из JavaScript файлов, описанными здесь: 3. Как альтернативное решение, можно добавить условие в код, чтобы проверить текущий язык и изменить вывод соответственно, например:
Если предложенные решения не актуальны или не помогают в вашем случае, мы настоятельно рекомендуем открыть новый тикет поддержки. Также рекомендуем проверить известные проблемы, версию исправления и убедиться, что у вас установлены последние версии тем и плагинов.
Problem: You are trying to translate the permalink for WooCommerce products to different languages (e.g., /produit in French, /product in English), but after saving, the WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency Status tab indicates it's not translated. The WPML Settings page also shows it's not saved, and the URL always displays the French version (/produit) instead of the expected English version (/product). Solution: Clearing both the site cache and object cache might solve the problem, as caching can often prevent changes from displaying immediately.
If the solution provided here becomes irrelevant due to updates or does not apply to your specific case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. Should these steps not resolve your issue, please do not hesitate to open a new support ticket at WPML support forum for further assistance.
Problem: You want to set attribute labels for a WooCommerce addon globally so they don't need to be adjusted for every language and avoid filling fields manually in every language in the product settings. Solution: We recommend going to WPML > Settings > Custom Field Translations, searching for the fields, and setting them to
. This will copy the original values when translating the products. Note that the fields might only be visible if you click "Show system fields". For more guidance, visit Translating Custom Fields documentation.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, please check the related known issues at, verify the version of the permanent fix, and confirm that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. We highly recommend opening a new support ticket if needed.
Problem: You are experiencing issues with variations not showing for translated products in WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency, despite using the 'Troubleshooting' options. Solution: WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual & Multi-Currency > Attributes. Custom attributes created on each product need to be translated when translating the products themselves. Please try updating the translations of your products, or edit the original product, save it, and then translate again.
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum for further assistance.
Problem: If you're experiencing inconsistent string translations in your theme, where some strings are translated while others are not, and enabling 'Look for strings while pages are rendered' only temporarily solves the issue. Solution: We recommend checking and updating your theme's localization setup: 1. Ensure your theme's
3. Create a 'languages' folder in your theme directory. 4. Update the text domain in your theme's header code to match the one you've set, like so:
<?php _e('Zvani', 'blank') ?>:
After making these changes, scan and translate your theme again to check if the issue is resolved.
Please note that this solution might be outdated or not applicable to your specific case. If the problem persists, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If needed, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum for further assistance.
Problem: The client is experiencing an issue where the WooCommerce zoom.js does not work and the product images are oversized when switching languages using WPML. Solution: We have identified that the problem was caused by the custom related products settings not being copied to secondary languages. To fix this, please follow these steps: 1. Navigate to WPML → Settings → Custom Field Translations. 2. Click on Show system fields. 3. Search for _crp_related_ids and set it to Copy. 4. Save the changes. 5. After saving, update the product in the default language.
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problème : Le client rencontre des problèmes avec l'affichage des frais de port flat rate dans différentes langues sur son site WooCommerce. Les frais de port ne s'affichent pas correctement pour les langues traduites, et certaines options comme Follow Me et Track & Trace ne s'ajoutent pas correctement au tarif standard dans les langues autres que l'anglais.
Solution : Nous avons identifié que le problème était lié à une mauvaise synchronisation des méthodes d'expédition entre les différentes langues. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous avons suggéré de vérifier et de configurer les champs de coûts pour toutes les classes de livraison dans toutes les langues et zones de livraison via l'interface d'administration de WordPress. De plus, il est important de s'assurer que les champs suivants soient configurés pour être « copiés » dans WPML > Paramètres > Traduction des champs personnalisés :
taxe d'expédition de la commande
Et sous Taxonomies Translation, configurer l'option pour les classes d'expédition afin que WPML utilise la classe d'origine si la classe n'est pas traduite.
Si cette solution ne résout pas votre problème ou semble obsolète, nous vous recommandons de vérifier les problèmes connus, de confirmer que vous avez installé les dernières versions de vos thèmes et plugins, et si nécessaire, d'ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support sur notre forum de support.
Problem: Вы используете WooCommerce с двумя языками, украинским и русским, на вашем сайте. При оформлении заказа на русском языке платежные реквизиты и список продуктов отправляются на украинском языке, а не на русском. Solution: 1. Проверьте, не связана ли ваша проблема с известной ошибкой, описанной здесь: Не забудьте сделать резервную копию сайта перед любыми изменениями. 2. Если проблема сохраняется, попробуйте следующие шаги: - Удалите папки /wp-content/cache/ и отключите плагины кэширования. - Отключите кэш Redis. - Удалите временные данные (transients) с помощью плагина, например, - Проведите тестирование с минимальным количеством плагинов.
Если проблема все еще не решена, мы рекомендуем вам открыть новый тикет поддержки. Также рекомендуем проверить список известных проблем, убедиться в актуальности версии исправления и подтвердить, что у вас установлены последние версии тем и плагинов. Если вам нужна дополнительная помощь, пожалуйста, обратитесь в форум поддержки WPML.
Problem: Der Kunde erlebt einen 422-Fehler bei der Nutzung von Zahlungsgateways wie Mollie Klarna, verursacht durch leere Felder in den Versandkosten-Namen, die von WPML falsch übersetzt oder entfernt werden. Solution: 1. Manuelle Überprüfung und Korrektur der Versandkosten-Namen: - Gehe zu WooCommerce > Einstellungen > Versand - Öffne deine Versandzonen & Methoden - Ändere den Namen der Versandmethode (z. B. von "Standard" auf "Standardversand") - Speichern und eine neue Testbestellung durchführen. 2. Korrektur der WPML-Übersetzungen für Versandnamen: - Gehe zu WPML > String Translation - Suche nach "shipping", "Versand", "shipping_fee" - Falls ein leerer oder falscher Eintrag vorhanden ist, ersetze ihn mit "Versandkosten" oder "Standardversand". - Speichern und erneut testen.
Falls diese Lösung nicht relevant oder veraltet ist, oder falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, empfehlen wir, einen neuen Support-Ticket zu öffnen und die bekannten Probleme zu überprüfen. Bitte bestätige auch, dass du die neuesten Versionen von Themes und Plugins installiert hast. Für weitere Unterstützung besuche bitte unser Support-Forum.