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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using WP Job Manager with WPML, deleting Job posts or Resume posts from the frontend (Job Dashboard) doesn’t automatically delete their translations. Even when the «When deleting a post, delete translations as well» option is activated in «WPML > Settings > Posts and pages synchronization».


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

For Job Posts

  • Open /wp-content/plugins/wp-job-manager/includes/class-job-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Look for line 466
  • Replace:
    				case 'delete':
    					// Trash it.
    					wp_trash_post( $job_id );
  • With:
    				case 'delete':
    					// Trash it.
    					// WPML workaround for compsupp-7729
    					if ( class_exists('Sitepress') ) {
    						$trid = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_trid', NULL, $job_id , 'post_job_listing' );
    						$translations = apply_filters( 'wpml_get_element_translations', NULL, $trid, 'job_listing' );
    						if ( !empty( $translations ) ) {
    							foreach ( $translations as $lang => $translation ) {
    								$translation_id = absint( $translation->element_id );
    								wp_trash_post( $translation_id );
    					} else {
    						wp_trash_post( $job_id );

For Resume Posts

  • Open /wp-content/plugins/wp-job-manager-resumes/includes/class-wp-resume-manager-shortcodes.php
  • Look for line 125
  • Replace:
    				case 'delete':
    					// Trash it.
    					wp_trash_post( $resume_id );
  • With:
    				case 'delete':
    					// Trash it.
    					// WPML workaround for compsupp-7757
    					if ( class_exists('Sitepress') ) {
    						$trid = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_trid', NULL, $resume_id , 'post_resume' );
    						$translations = apply_filters( 'wpml_get_element_translations', NULL, $trid, 'resume' );
    						if ( !empty( $translations ) ) {
    							foreach ( $translations as $lang => $translation ) {
    								$translation_id = absint( $translation->element_id );
    								wp_trash_post( $translation_id );
    					} else {
    						wp_trash_post( $resume_id );

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