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Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster es un plugin recomendado que gracias a su compromiso de continuidad y asociación continuas con WPML Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster es totalmente compatible con WPML.

Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster

– Desarrollado por Gabriel Livan


Última prueba realizada el: junio 20, 2024

Asset CleanUp» is a WordPress plugin that identifies and allows users to selectively remove unnecessary CSS/JS assets, improving page load times, website performance, and reducing HTML bloat. It also offers various optimizations, including the removal of unused links, meta tags, HTML comments, and more.

The Pro Version of Asset Cleanup is also compatible with WPML.

Please note: The plugin works best when used alongside a cache plugin, hosting providers offering server-level caching, or services with page caching enabled.

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