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WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin es un plugin recomendado que gracias a su compromiso de continuidad y asociación continuas con WPML WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin es totalmente compatible con WPML.

WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin

– Desarrollado por DotStore

Versión 4.1.2

Última prueba realizada el: noviembre 29, 2024

The WooCommerce extra fees plugin allows store owners to easily configure and set up extra fees based on various conditional rules such as country, product, quantity, user, and cart-subtotal. This feature gives store owners complete control over the extra fees they want to charge customers, which can help generate additional income and increase revenue and order value.

The plugin also allows for the addition of fees for services such as gift wrapping, and enables store owners to manage and create complex extra fee rules. Additionally, the plugin helps optimize expenses and allows for the sharing of expenses with customers, such as payment and shipping fees.

Please note: The Premium version of this plugin is also compatible with WPML

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