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GymEdge actualmente no es compatible con WPML. Pueden surgir problemas cuando lo utilice.


– Desarrollado por RadiusTheme

Versión 4.3.1

Última prueba realizada el: octubre 2, 2023

Gym Edge is a fitness WordPress theme for gym establishments, personal trainers, and Yoga/Pilates teachers. Features include a drag-and-drop interface, single or multi-page layouts, 12 homepage templates, BMI calculator, various class and schedule page styles, and unlimited colour options.

Please note: RadiusTheme currently declares full compatibility between Gym Edge theme and WPML but we have noted an issue related to custom Elementor widgets not translating. We have reached out to the author but they have not yet resolved the issue. We urge you to contact RadiusTheme to encourage the author to push things forward with us. Alternatively, please leave a ticket with RadiusTheme support.

Problemas detectados

En este momento, no hay problemas de compatibilidad sin resolver entre este tema y WPML. Buscar todos los problemas detectados.