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Today  we are happy to announce the new integration between WPML and TextMaster,  a leading translation company.


TextMaster provides translation to leading companies from tech, travel, eCommerce, retail and leisure industries. It has over 10,000 clients in more than 110 countries, with full support in French, English, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German.

TextMaster offers the ability to allocate your projects with teams of dedicated translators pre-selected specifically for you by its management team. For exhaustive projects (full website translation), they can set up a casting and test different translator profiles based on a sample text so the customer has the choice of selecting the translator that meets their requirements the best.

Once the website project is sent to TextMaster platform via WPML, it can be analyzed and optimized thanks to its dedicated cloud-based CAT tool, including live translation memory (Memento). This basically enables the customer to use one of the best CAT tool on the market.

“Our aim is to make professional translation accessible to clients through a wide range of technology stacks. This is why we invest heavily in integration with industry leaders like WPML, allowing WordPress publishers to streamline their content translation and reach international audiences faster.”  François Déchelette, VP Sales & Business Development.

One of the benefits of using TextMaster is the possibility of working with different translator profiles and optimize cost / quality based on the complexity level of the project:

  • Standard level: for simple translation project, assigned to preselected native translators
  • Enterprise level: for business needs like full website translation, assigned to full-time professional native translators. Includes the use of CAT tools and reduce turnaround times.
  • Expert level: for high level and more complex content, assigned to specialized translators that completely master industry specific terminology (tech, web marketing, finance, legal etc.)

If you are already using WPML and interested in translating with TextMaster, follow the instructions for translating WordPress sites with TextMaster. And, if you’re new to WPML, you should get the Multilingual CMS package and get started.