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Last week, if you needed help from WPML support, you probably noticed a « chat » option. Chats allow WPML support team to resolve problems in a fraction of the time compared to tickets.

When you open a support ticket, you’ll see an option to start a chat.

The chat connects you with one of the supporters in WPML team. We’re very proud to report that many of the support questions that come into our chat are resolved in a few minutes. If we can’t resolve a problem during the chat, we make sure to get all the information that we need, so we can come back with a solution in an email.

When is Chat Support Available?

For chat support to be available, we need to have supporters working. Our entire team works Monday-Friday. We have some supporters on weekend duty, but not all and not all the time.

When we have no supporters for chat, the chat option doesn’t show, but you can still create a ticket.

Give WPML’s Chat Support a Try

We invite you to use the chat support when you need our help. You will reach the same supporters, just a lot faster.

BTW, at the same time we launched chat support for WPML, we also launched chat support for Toolset.

Feedback? Ideas? Suggestions?

Leave your comments and we’ll get back to you.