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We’re happy to release WPML 3.1.6, further improving data caching, performances, and security.

Most of the changes in this release are under the hood and won’t be immediately noticed, unless you faced performances issues.

We also added several hooks for themes and plugin developers, to reduce the number of lines of code, removing previously needed logic to check if functions or plugins existed.

WPML core

  • Time of first activation of WPML plugin reduced to about 5% of previous results
  • WPML now resolves site URL and paths to plugins directories in better way, respecting different server and WordPress settings
  • Improved caching of WPML function’s results, especially for WordPress in multi site mode
  • We added new screen to WPML > Support with debug informations, this will be helpful when WPML users will need our help at forum
  • Enhanced compatibility with WP SEO plugin and NextGen Gallery plugin
    Fixed possible SQL injections
  • Fixed language switcher on custom post type archive pages
  • Support for translate_object_id filter – this can be used in themes instead of the icl_object_id function
  • Fixed widget previews
  • Function url_to_postid() is now filtered by WPML plugin to return correct post ID.
  • Constants ICL_DONT_LOAD_LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_CSS + ICL_DONT_LOAD_LANGUAGES_JS are respected now when JS and CSS files are loaded
  • Several additional bug fixes


  • Fixed possible SQL injections
  • Minor syntax fixes


  • Improved compatibility with plugins, which filters lists of attachments


  • Fixed sticky links handling in widgets
  • Fixed possible SQL injections


  • String Translation module respects now that strings can be stored in arrays with hash index equal to zero
  • Improved translation caching
  • Improved translation of blog name in multisite mode


  • Fixed possible SQL injections
  • Support for different formats of new lines in XLIFF files; this improves compatibility with different translation software

Download and upgrade

If you are using our Installer plugin, you will receive this update automatically to your WordPress admin. You can always download manually from your WPML account.

Again, this is a pretty major upgrade, with almost every file in WPML edited. We backed up our database before this release and you should too.


WPML 3.1.6 is the result of very hard work from the entire team. Want to meet them?


Konrad was in charge of WPML 3.1.6, fixing bugs, improving performance and taking care of biz.


Andrea is WPML’s lead developer. In parallel to this maintenance release, Andrea is leading the next major version of WPML.


Paweł is now working on extending WPML’s interfaces to translation services. Most on this very soon.

Next for WPML

WPML 3.2 is in the pipe, getting ready for QA. It’s a major update to the Translation Management and String Translation modules.

Ideas? Suggestions? Leave your comments and we’ll get back to you.

How can we make WPML better for you?

Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

Book a call with Agnes