Reported for: CMS multilingue de WPML 4.6.11
Overview of the issue
If you are using the Cart Count widget from the Avada theme, you will experience that not all dynamic content parameters, as Singular or Plural, are available for translation.
Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.
- Open …/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/addons/wpml-page-builders/classes/Integrations/FusionBuilder/DynamicContent.php file.
- Look for line 10.
- Replace:
protected $positions = [ 'before', 'after', 'fallback' ];
- With:
protected $positions = [ 'before', 'after', 'fallback', 'singular_text', 'plural_text' ];
- Refresh the translation by adding a small modification to the original content.
I also have this problem with translating the Avada Cart Counter. If I apply that workaround, won’t that modification be overwritten when there is a new update?
Hello there,
Yes, there is a possibility that the the file gets overwritten while this issue is still open.
However, our devs are aware of this situation and it should be fix soon.