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Reported for: BuddyPress Multilingual 1.7.0

Overview of the issue

When using Redis Object Cache or Object Cache Pro with BuddyPress Multilingual you will experience problems with BuddyPress pages. In some situations, pages won’t display and in others, you will be incorrectly redirected.

This is caused by the bp_pages cache group which does not hold language information.


By default, Redis Object Cache already excludes the groups « themes », « plugins » and « counts ». The solution is to exclude the « bp_pages » group as well.

To do this, add the following lines to your wp-config.php file.

] );

In case you are using Object Cache Pro plugin, add the groups in WP_REDIS_CONFIG file as explained here:

'non_persistent_groups' => [

Alternatively, you can also follow the instructions of this another erratum.

3 Réponses à “Problems with BuddyPress Multilingual and Redis Object Cache or Object Cache Pro”

    • Dear Bret,
      Since this is a configuration issue, it is still valid.
      Thanks for the correction, I have updated the code above.

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