WPML 3.8.0 puts a big focus on String Translation. It makes String Translation a lot simpler to configure and use …
WPML with WordPress 4.8
WPML works fine with WordPress 4.8. In the last few weeks, we’ve been running all our development and testing on …
WPML 3.7.1 with Stability Improvements for Page Builders
We’re ready with a maintenance release of WPML, which improves stability and compatibility with a number of themes and plugins. …
WPML 3.7 Beta traz melhorias significativas para construtores de páginas
Você já deve ter percebido que não brincamos em serviço quando o assunto é desenvolver o melhor fluxo de trabalho …
WPML 3.7.0 é lançado com muitas melhorias para construtores de páginas
Acabamos de lançar o WPML 3.7.0. O objetivo principal dessa versão é facilitar a tradução de sites criados com construtores …
How to Prepare for WooCommerce 3.0 on Multilingual Sites
WooCommerce 3.0 is almost ready and planned to be released at the beginning on April. This version includes significant changes. …
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1 comes with an enhanced currency switcher, improved REST API support and it’s also WooCommerce 2.7 ready. Customize …
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1 – beta 1
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1 is finally ready for testing! This release comes with: A new, highly customizable currency switcher inspired from …
WPML 3.6 – Tradução para construtores de páginas, novo seletor de idioma e compatibilidade com o WP 4.7
Esta versão do WPML está cheia de novos recursos, melhorias gerais e compatibilidade com o WordPress 4.7. Tradução para construtores …
WPML 3.6.2 with Stability and Compatibility Improvements
It’s almost time for the holiday breaks and we want to make sure that you can take that well deserved …
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.0
This new WooCommerce Multilingual version brings the long-awaited support for automatic exchange rates and it’s WordPress 4.7 ready. Automatic Exchange …
WPML com correções de bugs e mais velocidade
O WPML 3.5 incluiu uma importante alteração no String Translation. À medida que essa versão passou a ser utilizada, descobrimos …
WPML 3.6.0 Beta With Translation for Divi and Visual Composer
{Updated Post on 6/12/16} WPML 3.6.1 is now released and it applies the configuration to Divi and Visual Composer automatically. …
WooCommerce Multilingual 3.9
This version packs new functionality, compatibility with the upcoming WooCommerce major release, and improved usability. WooCommerce 2.7 ready WooCommerce 2.7 introduces …
WPML 3.5.2 – Stability and Performance Update
We just released an update to WPML, improving performance and resolving a number of glitches. See what’s new, inmproved and …