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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

You might encounter issues with The Events Calendar plugin where specific default strings such as ‘Upcoming’, ‘Previous Events’, and ‘Next Events’ do not display in their translated forms on the Event Archive page when using non-block themes like Twenty Twenty-One.


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open …/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Views/V2/View.php file.
  • Look for line 1602.
  • Replace:
    		if ( empty( $this->repository_args ) ) {
  • With:
    		load_plugin_textdomain('the-events-calendar', false, plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/languages/');
    		if ( empty( $this->repository_args ) ) {

3 Respostas para “The Events Calendar - Translation Issues for Certain Strings with Non-Block Themes”

  1. I finally did find the php file in the plugin file editor and tried that work around but the strings still don’t appear in their translated forms.

    • Hello there,
      As your issue may be slightly different from the one reported here, could you please start a chat in our support forum? In that way, we will be able to investigate your case and help you to find a solution for your case.

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