Background of the issue:
I am trying to use the WPML plugins but I receive an error message about the String Translation table. The error message states: 'There is a problem with the String Translation table in your site. This problem is not causing a problem running the site right now, but can become a critical issue in the future. WPML support team knows how to fix it. Please add a message in the relevant support thread and we'll fix it for you.' The specific error is: 'Table '149189014.wp_icl_strings' doesn't exist'. I saw the threads in the forum, but they don't help me because I have no idea about codes and strings. I'm a freelance translator and all I want is to have a multilingual website, but WordPress keeps shutting down because of this issue.
I cannot use the WPML plugins due to an error message about the String Translation table. The error message is: 'Table '149189014.wp_icl_strings' doesn't exist'. WordPress keeps shutting down because of this issue.
How can I fix the issue with the String Translation table?
What steps should I follow to resolve the error 'Table '149189014.wp_icl_strings' doesn't exist'? Please explain the steps as easy as possible because I'm 100% layperson.
I already talked to one supporter. He sent me the link to the WPML Troubleshooting Options and simply closed the ticket before I had the chance to try the options. None of them worked. The issue persists and my website is down!!!
If this issue persists, I'll cancel my subscription for WPML because I cannot afford my website being down!