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In terms of SEO, it was challenging to manage multilingual WordPress sites. Machine translation is not indexed and automatic solutions that enable indexing risk not being localizable. Updating content was time-consuming as changes had to be made to each language version. Thanks to WPML, it is possible to keep track of the status of translations. With WPML, it is possible to achieve indexing on various search markets, enabling fast and effective updating.

Paolo Margari
Digital Strategist
junho 27, 2023

Finding a system where I can easily translate existing pages and add new content was very difficult. I wasted huge amounts of time just working out bugs with other translation systems or translating sites built using child themes and having to translate each site individually. WPML on the other hand has a nice interface, good support, and options for manual and automatic translation. The most important is that it was 99% bug-free and made my life much easier! I remember clicking the last button of the installation process – it worked! The amount of working hours saved is not only good for me, but also for the client. Money saved!

Gareth Simpson
junho 27, 2023

I have previously tested Polylang and Loco Translate for a few clients and found them to be frustrating and limited, especially when it came to SEO and sitewide translations. I found that many other translation extensions also had limitations, and trying to find relevant documentation or appropriate coding solutions was extremely time-consuming. The first time I used WPML was for an e-commerce project. My client had previously tried a free WordPress plugin, but when they needed a sitewide translation solution, I suggested WPML. Within just 48 hours, I was able to learn enough about WPML and implement it on my client’s website to solve any problems that arose. WPML is a comprehensive translation system that allows users to work on every aspect of their website, from pages and articles to menus to any translatable metadata. It is also an excellent tool that enables collaboration with my clients. Whenever I encounter a client looking for an easy website translation solution, I always recommend WPML integration. It saves me time and greatly reduces stress for my clients.

Sébastien Teitgen
Créateur de site internet | webmaster dévelopeur web
junho 27, 2023

Google Translate just wasn’t the slick experience we needed for a comprehensive translation solution. We needed something more robust, scalable, and also compatible with the custom-built WordPress sites we create. WPML is one of the best translation plugins available in the market today. It’s a powerful and user-friendly plugin that helps websites translate their WordPress site into multiple languages with ease. WPML offers a wide range of features, including an intuitive translation management interface, multilingual SEO support, and compatibility with popular WordPress themes. One of the best things about WPML is that it provides professional-level translation services, enabling website owners to connect with a network of certified translation professionals who can help them translate their site content with ease if needed. I highly recommend WPML to anyone who wants to create a multilingual website without facing the challenges of technicalities and managing translations manually.

Ben Foster
junho 27, 2023

The idea of translating our website into several languages seemed like a bit of a nightmare to me. I had no idea the process could be so smooth and easy. WPML did most of the work for me, and I love it. The moment I saw clients from abroad start to come and stay at our hotel was when I realized how great WPML is working. Now, I can spend more time on other important tasks.

Aleksander Grynis
junho 27, 2023

I was facing so many problems until I found WPML. It was challenging trying to solve them. WPML is different because it is integrated with SEO and makes content translations easy to manage. There are also frequent updates. WPML is a great solution and I’m happy now that it has solved my problems.

Inbal Sher
junho 12, 2023

Before we discovered WPML, we couldn’t translate right away, and it took too long. The frustration was horrible. The difference with WPML is on-the-spot translation without any delays. The moment when I realized WPML was actually working to solve our problem was when I saw how fast it goes now compared to our regular translation period. Life is so much better now that our problem is solved.

Martin Vermeer
maio 15, 2023

Before using WPML, developing a multilingual WordPress site was complicated and time-consuming. It was frustrating to continually find areas of the site that could not be easily translated. However, with WPML, everything has changed. I can now create a multilingual site in just a few hours and manage translations with language translation collaborators easily and intuitively. I realized that WPML would have radically changed the way we worked with multilingual sites 8 years ago when I was looking for a solution to a complex project that had to handle many languages. Thanks to WPML, the kind of service I can now offer is much faster and more comprehensive.

Emanuele Ricci
Emanuele Ricci
Março 23, 2023

Before WPML, it felt like a gamble whether we could find a good copywriter in the right language or not. Sometimes it worked out, but other times it led to more time being needed to fix issues than what we started with. This could be incredibly frustrating, especially when even simple tasks couldn’t be completed. WPML changed our whole setup in a positive way that we didn’t think was possible before. Instead of countless hours spent solving obstacles, we now have a really smooth ride for all our sites. WPML is truly a champ. You can trust that you’ll have your hands free to focus on more constructive challenges, rather than endless translation requirements that don’t meet the mark. It felt like a new beginning when we realized that WPML works like a lucky charm.

Stefan Persson

Março 9, 2023

I was looking for a 100% reliable translation plugin. I tried several solutions before WPML but I didn’t find any of them to be satisfactory. WPML is the only solution with which I could configure all the translation options I needed. Now it is the only plugin I use for my multilanguage projects.

Marketing Médicos

fevereiro 10, 2023

I had trouble finding a simple solution to translate my website. After trying all other solutions, they have proven to be extremely time-consuming to set up. Then, I discovered WPML and it turned out to be very easy to set up. WPML means more visitors and satisfied customers on my site. I was so glad to finally see my website in more languages.

Michael Luron
dezembro 5, 2022

Before switching to WPML my sites had SEO problems, the support I was getting was bad, and there was no documentation. Now, I have been using WPML for 6 years, and the plugin and support are amazing. I felt the difference literally 2 days after switching to WPML and the whole translation workflow is much better!

Alexandros Kontinopoulos
novembro 28, 2022

I was looking for a translation plugin for a very long time and in 2015 I found WPML. Before using WPML, it was so hard to translate all the pages, menus, etc. It is the most complete translation plugin I have ever used. I have been using WPML for 7 years now and this is the best translation plugin I have ever seen.

novembro 3, 2022

I wanted to translate my websites and wasn’t able to do this the way I wanted. I was very disappointed that I was not able to find a solution. All this changed when I found WPML. It is very practical and easy to use and I was really happy to know that I can have one site in 10 languages and it still works correctly. I feel relieved!

outubro 18, 2022

Before WPML, the worst part was having to go through the whole manual process of uploading and requesting translations. Now, it’s so easy to submit and manage our translations. WPML simply takes away the manual process. I realized what the difference of using WPML is when we had to translate our whole new website which we did before via Google Docs. Now it’s all copy-paste free. 🙂

E-commerce Manager
agosto 11, 2022

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