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Learn how to translate WordPress sites with TextMaster and WPML. Discover which translation services TextMaster offers, and how to get started with WPML.

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About TextMaster

TextMaster is an online global translation solution. Thanks to a network of expert translators, cutting-edge technologies, and a range of value-added services, TextMaster enables companies to streamline the translation of their content in over 50 languages and areas of expertise.

More than 10,000 companies in 110 countries, from multinationals to small and medium-sized enterprises, trust TextMaster to scale their international expansion. TextMaster is the digital subsidiary of the group Acolad.

Its benefits:

BETTER TIME-TO-MARKET — The combination of technology and human expertise enables TextMaster to handle multiple million-word projects each month. As a result, the time required to bring products to the international market is dramatically decreased.​

ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY GAINS​ — You outsource all your translation needs to a specialized partner. Your processes are fully automated and centralized.​

SAVINGS ON YOUR INTERNATIONAL BUDGET -​ TextMaster’s high-tech translation assistance solutions let you save up to 50% on your direct translation costs while maximizing the consistency and quality of your translations.​

Getting started with TextMaster and WPML

To send content for translation to TextMaster, install the following plugins on your website:

  • WPML Multilingual CMS – the core plugin
  • WPML String Translation – this plugin will allow you to translate interface strings

You can download them from your account. If you do not have an account yet, you can create a new one by choosing WPML Multilingual CMS or Multilingual Agency plans.

Working with TextMaster via WPML

Here are the basic steps of working with WPML and TextMaster. For a full walkthrough, check out our page about using WPML with a translation service.

Connecting Your Website to TextMaster

First, you need to connect WPML with TextMaster. Part of this very simple process is to request your TextMaster API Key and API Secret credentials.

If you are new to TextMaster, you can request an account and your API Credentials by visiting TextMaster’s sign-up page.

You will find your API Key and API Secret credentials on your API & Loop account page in the TextMaster dashboard.

Sending content for translation

Once your site is connected to TextMaster, you can start sending your content for translation.

Receive a quotation from TextMaster

The final setups of your project need to be confirmed directly in TextMaster. To do that, click the Translation Jobs tab at the top of the page and click the job’s name to be redirected to the configuration screen, where you can choose the service level and preferred translator.

Receiving completed translations

Once done, your site is ready to receive completed translations.

Canceling translation jobs

If you need to cancel a project, you must go to your TextMaster account and cancel the project. We recommend checking this with your associated project manager.

Read more about canceling translation jobs sent to a professional service.

Translating the Rest of Your Site

Once you’re done translating the content of your page, there could be untranslated texts in menus, sidebars, and similar places. No problem, you can use TextMaster to translate the rest of your site.

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