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Prefisso lingua non riconosciuto

发起人: ernestot 中: Assistenza in italiano

0 7 1 days, 21 hours前


Translated page shows original (not translated) text

发起人: annas-27 中: English Support

1 10 2 days, 18 hours前


Assistance Needed with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency and BaseLinker Integration

发起人: katarzynaT-5 中: English Support

0 2 2 days, 22 hours前


WPML won’t trnaslate some elements on my site

发起人: magnusH-19 中: English Support

0 11 5 days, 19 hours前

Waqas Bin Hasan

Menu links are triggering the wrong ajax request.

发起人: tinaL-5 中: English Support

2 14 1 weeks前


My Listing theme filters

发起人: giedreS-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 weeks, 1 days前


WPML Plugin – Attribute Not Translated Automatically with Listing Content

发起人: Paradise Techsoft 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 weeks, 2 days前

Paradise Techsoft

Not everything is translated for example home page and the footer is missing on english version

发起人: thanasisP-3 中: English Support

0 12 1 weeks, 3 days前

Waqas Bin Hasan

Multi Currency

发起人: johannesB-16 中: English Support

2 28 1 weeks, 6 days前


Employer Dashboard Disappears with WPJB Plugin

发起人: jeffB-12 中: English Support

2 11 2 weeks前

Long Nguyen

Error translating Mylisting theme listing type, translation page never loads

发起人: carlosA-69 中: English Support

0 4 3 weeks, 1 days前

Long Nguyen

Problema corretto funzionamento woocommerce e plugin gestpay quando wpml e’ attivo

发起人: fabio 中: Assistenza in italiano

0 11 3 weeks, 5 days前


Viva Wallet Standard Checkout plugin

发起人: sebastianO-8 中: Chat Support

1 2 4 weeks, 1 days前


Text won't show up in WPML

发起人: tobiasT-29 中: English Support

0 7 1 months前

Christopher Amirian

Someone is already reviewing this translation

发起人: mustaphaH 中: English Support

0 3 1 months前

Christopher Amirian