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Bugs multiples Advanced Translation Editor

发起人: T4ng 中: Assistance en français

2 13 2 hours, 4 minutes前

Bruno Kos

Multiple issues with Advanced Translation Editor

发起人: T4ng 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months前

Media Translation settings

发起人: T4ng 中: English Support

2 9 1 months, 2 weeks前


I can't see the language I'm actually editing, only the mapped language

发起人: T4ng 中: Chat Support

1 2 2 months, 2 weeks前

Feedback moving from CTE to ATE : about your advice not to convert Classic Translated Content to ATE

发起人: T4ng 中: English Support

2 4 2 months, 2 weeks前

Shekhar Bhandari

Use of the wpml_cf_preferences and consequences

发起人: T4ng 中: English Support

3 9 3 months前


Advanced Translation Editor keyboard shortcuts

发起人: T4ng 中: Chat Support

1 2 4 months前

Multiple open_baserdir warnings 1 2

发起人: T4ng 中: English Support

2 23 4 months, 3 weeks前

Marsel Nikolli

Link displays as p= instead of plain address in one specific translated language

发起人: T4ng 中: English Support

2 9 7 months前

Andreas W.

Insert link to another languge

发起人: T4ng 中: Chat Support

1 2 7 months, 1 weeks前

Duplicate the products with translations with the latest state

发起人: T4ng 中: English Support

2 3 7 months, 2 weeks前

Andreas W.

Duplicate the products with translations with the latest state

发起人: T4ng 中: Chat Support

1 2 7 months, 3 weeks前

I need to duplicate a product

发起人: T4ng 中: Chat Support

1 2 7 months, 3 weeks前

I don't understand the price I'm charged for renewal

发起人: T4ng 中: Chat Support

1 2 8 months, 2 weeks前

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