



状态 主题
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All the images on the English versions are not showing

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

2 2 2 月, 2 週前

Mohamed Sayed

How to move away from sticky links plugin properly

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

3 4 2 月, 2 週前


Translating custom plugin

发起人: emelieC 中: Chat Support

1 2 4 月前

WPML chat support ticket by emelieC – 1702468384

发起人: emelieC 中: Chat Support

1 2 4 月, 1 週前

I would like your help to get the new design to be reflected on the translations

发起人: emelieC 中: Chat Support

1 2 4 月, 2 週前

Change design of original builder page and translated pages but keeping translat

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

2 2 6 月前

Bruno Kos

After having worked on translations, some images are missing – not showing

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

2 2 6 月前

Long Nguyen

No break spaces in the translations

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

2 5 6 月前

Long Nguyen

Follow up ticket

发起人: emelieC 中: Chat Support

1 2 6 月, 2 週前

Debug log piling up with an notice

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

2 2 9 月前


Booking plugin button texts are different in the translated page

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

2 3 10 月, 3 週前

Christopher Amirian

Booking & Appointment Plugin String translation

发起人: emelieC 中: Chat Support

1 2 10 月, 3 週前

Need help translating an AFC field

发起人: emelieC 中: English Support

2 3 10 月, 3 週前


Currency configuration

发起人: emelieC 中: Chat Support

1 2 10 月, 3 週前

connection issues

发起人: emelieC 中: Chat Support

1 2 11 月前

所有文章的作者 emelieC: