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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

There’s a known issue with Zapier’s integration with Gravity Forms when using WPML to manage multilingual forms. When forms are translated into multiple languages, certain metadata related to the form submissions, such as „Entry ID,“ „Date,“ „Payment Status,“ among others, fail to be correctly transmitted to Zapier, leading to incomplete data in actions like Google Sheets integrations or other Zapier-connected services.


To mitigate this issue, you can ensure that key metadata fields such as „Form ID,“ „User IP,“ and „User Agent“ are not translated or are translated consistently across all languages.

  • Go to WPML > Theme and plugins localization page.
  • Scan Gravity Forms plugin.
  • Go to WPML > String Translation page.
  • Translate the problematic fields to be the same between languages. This will assure a match and transmit the information accordingly.

2 Antworten zu “Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On - Fails to Receive Translated Field Data from Gravity Forms”

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