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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using the GreenShift Blocks and the dynamic text feature from the Greenshift Query and Meta Addon, values from an ACF option page do not display their translations on the frontend. This issue occurs even if the ACF option fields are correctly translated.


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Go to WPML > Settings > Custom XML Configuration
  • Paste the following code and click „Save“:
  • <wpml-config>
            <gutenberg-block type="greenshift-blocks/text" translate="1" label="Advanced text">
            <xpath>//*[contains(@class, 'gspb_text')]</xpath>
            <key name="text" />
            <key name="textContent" />
            <key name="customAnchor" />
            <key name="dynamictext">
              <key name="dynamicField" />
  • Locate the original page containing this block and save it again.
  • Edit the translation and ensure the ACF option name is translated.

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