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In many Web agencies that use WPML, different people need to download, register sites, open support tickets, and pay for the subscription. You can now create user profiles for each of them on

This features is only available for Multilingual CMS and Agency accounts. Lifetime accounts cannot create additional user profiles.

Starting today, Multilingual CMS and Agency account owners can add more people to their WPML account. This allows different people in your team to login to and get what they need.

When you add users, you set their roles, so they have the right permissions. This ensures important emails are sent to the correct people and that users have access to the parts of the account that are relevant to their role.

For example, if one of your developers asks us a support question, our reply goes directly to that developer.

How to add users

Log into your WPML account and click My Team.

Add a new user by filling in their email and role.

Adding a new user

The user’s role determines which parts of the account they can access and which email notifications they receive. You can choose from the following:

  • Developer – For people building sites using WPML
  • Finance manager – The person who will manage the subscription and payment method
  • Content manager – For people managing the site’s translations
DeveloperFinance ManagerContent Manager
Build sites using WPMLManage payments for your accountManage site translations
User can download WPMLX
User can register WPML on client sitesX
User can ask support questionsXXX
Users can change payment methodX
Users can download tax invoicesX

Once the new profile is created, the new user needs to confirm their account by clicking the link in the email they receive. This will take them to a page to complete their profile and create a password.

Completing a user profile

Once a user is created, you can see them in the list.

A new user

When editing users, please note that only account owners can change a user’s role. The user that you created can update their contact information, but not their role.

Let us know what you think!

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