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This release cycle of WordPress 4.0 was a pleasure for us (and many other plugin authors). Betas and release candidates were available well ahead of the official release date, allowing everyone to get ready for it.

For a few weeks, we’ve been testing and updating WPML to address the recent changes in WordPress 4.0. WPML 3.1.7, which we released last week, includes all the required updates. Fortunately, these updates are not huge, but it was still important to be prepared for them.

If you are updating your sites and having trouble, we can help. Please keep in mind that issues that you see, might be coming from different places. Before you report bugs, we recommend turning off other plugins. If possible, you should also temporarily switch to the default theme.

This new WordPress version introduces changes in the visual editor, as well as in several core functions. Since WordPress, the theme and all plugins run as one PHP process, problems in one place can manifest in different areas. If you see problems in the WordPress admin, we recommend these steps:

  1. Open the Javascript console (available in Firefox and Chrome) and see if you spot any Javascript errors
  2. Enable PHP error logging and see if there are errors there
  3. Disable plugins and see if problems are resolved

If you need our help, go to the WPML technical support forum. Create a new thread as ‘I need to resolve a problem’. Make sure you include the debug information from your site, so that we can see what we are running. In the thread, include screenshots that show the problem. If you see Javascript or PHP errors, paste them.

Please include the term ‘WP 4.0’ in the title, so that we can prioritize and respond to these issues faster.

BTW, before any update of WordPress, your theme or plugins, we strongly recommend backing up your database. Having a DB backup gives you the peace of mind, knowing that you can always revert changes and that if anything goes wrong, you’re safe.

Happy WordPress upgrade!

How can we make WPML better for you?

Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

Book a call with Agnes