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Type of work:

Aide-moi à développer quelque chose, Construis un nouveau site, Donne des conseils détaillés sur un projet potentiel, Développe les fonctionnalités du site., Help writing content, Intégrer un système externe, RÉFÉRENCEMENT, Visual design

Project size:
  • Personal
  • Small Business
  • Agency/Enterprise

I can maintain sites

Site categories:

Adhésion, Annuaire, Blog, Brochure, E-commerce, L'éducation

Favorite WordPress themes:


Project budget:

Minimum budget is 5000 USD

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Stockholm based WordPress agency with high technical competence and an effective business model.

With our WordPress based solution ALIGN we can effectively develop advanced and modern website solutions. Offering a large set of fixed price ready-made features like multiple language support, E-commerce, advanced map solutions, and many others.

WPML user since: Avril, 2013

Contractor since: octobre, 2019
