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Overview of the issue

Elementor comes a built-in widget which easily allows you to add a language switcher to your website. However, some customization options are not available for it. For example, it’s not possible to disable the current language.


As a workaround, you can add WPML’s wpml_language_selector_widget shortcode. Then, customize it by going to WPMLLanguagesCustom language Switcher.

5 Réponses à “Elementor - It's not possible to fully customize the language switcher widget”

  1. Hello there,

    I have reviewed this workaround – As a workaround, you can add WPML’s wpml_language_selector_widget shortcode. Then, customize it by going to WPML → Languages → Custom language Switcher.

    However it does not provide me with what I need.
    I need to build the language switcher to be a dropdown with the abbreviations of the countries. Like this:

    and so on…

    How can I do this?

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