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MyListing est actuellement incompatible avec WPML. Vous pouvez rencontrer des problèmes lors de son utilisation.


– Développé par 27collective


Dernier test le :

MyListing is a directory and listing WordPress theme with many features in including premade templates, custom filters, custom Elementor widgets and more.

MyListing is not currently compatible with WPML and they state the following on their Themeforest page:

MyListing can be translated to any language, but it is not multi-language or WPML compatible yet

We’ve attempted to reach the author, but have not yet been able to establish cooperation. Should you wish to see compatibility resolved, please encourage the author to contact us via our Go Global compatibility program.

Problèmes connus

Il n'existe en ce moment aucun problème de compatibilité irrésolu entre ce thème et WPML. Rechercher tous les problèmes connus.