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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

If you are using the Profile Builder feature from JetEngine plugin, you will experience that options are not being applied in the second language.


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

Part 1

  • Open …/wp-content/plugins/jet-engine/includes/modules/profile-builder/inc/rewrite.php file.
  • Look for line 57.
  • Replace:
    $pages  = Module::instance()->settings->get_pages();
  • With:
    $pages  = Module::instance()->settings->get_pages();
    // WPML Workaround for compsupp-7264 - PART 1
    if ( class_exists('Sitepress') && isset( $pages['account_page'] ) ) {
    	// Get WPML Active Languages
    	$wpml_languages = apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages', NULL, 'orderby=id&order=desc' );
    	// Let's add a new item in $pages array for each language, so it can also create rewrite rules for it
    	foreach( $wpml_languages as $language ) {
    		if ( $language['language_code'] != apply_filters('wpml_default_language', NULL ) ) {
    			$account_page_id = $pages['account_page'];
    			// The new item should have the translated account page ID
    			$translated_account_page_id = apply_filters( 'wpml_object_id', $account_page_id , get_post_type($account_page_id) , TRUE, $language['language_code']  );
    			$pages['account_page_'.$language['language_code']] = $translated_account_page_id;

Part 2

  • Open …/wp-content/plugins/jet-engine/includes/modules/profile-builder/inc/query.php file.
  • Look for line 53.
  • Replace:
    $user    = get_query_var( Module::instance()->rewrite->user_var );
  • With:
    $user    = get_query_var( Module::instance()->rewrite->user_var );
    // WPML Workaround for compsupp-7264 - PART 2
    if ( class_exists('Sitepress') ) {
    	// Let's create a with the query_var of the account page in each language
    	$account_pages = [];
    	$wpml_languages = apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages', NULL, 'orderby=id&order=desc' );
    	foreach( $wpml_languages as $language ) {
    		if ( $language['language_code'] != apply_filters('wpml_default_language', NULL ) ) {
    			$account_pages[] = 'account_page_'.$language['language_code'];
    	// If the current query_var match with our array items, let's "fix" the $page variable so the switch works correctly
    	if ( in_array( $page, $account_pages) ) {
    		$page = 'account_page';
  • Go to Settings > Permalinks page and re-save permalinks

4 risposte a “JetEngine - Profile Builder Options not applied in second language”

  1. Is there a version that I am able to use as a code snippet rather than directly editing the files, so that when there are plugin updates I wouldn’t need to make the changes again?

    • Hello Samara,
      Unfortunately we don’t have such a version. However, we are in contact with the author and they are already aware of this situation. Maybe they are in capacity of providing you with one.

    • Hello Jurgen,
      We have been in contact with the author and this issue should have been resolved.
      If your website is still presenting this issue, please start a chat in our support forum, we will investigate if it is a variation didn’t cover or a different case.
      Thank you for your help.