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I plugin per le community consentono agli utenti di creare e condividere contenuti e di interagire con gli altri membri della vostra comunità online. Per saperne di più sui nostri plugin consigliati per questa categoria, consultate la tabella sottostante e confrontate le loro caratteristiche, alcune delle quali potrebbero essere disponibili solo nelle versioni pro o premium.

BuddyBoss PlatformbbPress
BuddyBoss PlatformbbPress

BuddyBoss is a comprehensive communities plugin that also allows you to sell courses, create membership programs and build e-learning & training hubs. BuddyBoss integrates with a wide range of 3rd-party plugins and has its own theme.

bbPress allows your users to build and participate in forums and discussion boards. It uses a simple interface and is fully compatible with BuddyPress and other themes and plugins to extend functionality.

Pricing model
Plugin price$0-288Free
Date testedGennaio 30, 2024Giugno 20, 2024
Register users to use platform
Create and join groups
Supports add-on features to extend functionality
Send emails and notifications to members
Display activity streams
Spam protection
Supports forums and discussion boards
Set permissions for viewing content
More about BuddyBoss PlatformMore about bbPress

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