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I plugin di importazione ed esportazione consentono di importare o esportare dati in blocco da un foglio di calcolo o da un file XML. Questi plugin ampliano la funzionalità di importazione/importazione nativa di WordPress. Per saperne di più sui nostri plugin consigliati per questa categoria, consultate la tabella sottostante e confrontate le loro caratteristiche, alcune delle quali potrebbero essere disponibili solo nelle versioni pro o premium.

WP All ImportWP All ExportWP Import ExportWordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro
WP All ImportWP All ExportWP Import ExportWordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP All Import allows you to import posts, pages, WooCommerce products, taxonomy, and other custom fields and post types from CSV, XML, or Excel files. It also has options to export, migrate, and bulk edit your content.

WP All Export allows you to export your website’s posts, pages, or users into an XML or CSV file. Use WP All Export’s drag-and-drop interface to choose what data you would like to export as columns in your spreadsheet.

WP Import Export Pro supports multiple file formats, comes with powerful filters and allows you to import and export data in the background. You also get 19 add-ons with the Pro version (including the WPML add-on).

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro offers efficient content management, supporting CSV, XML, and more. Schedule imports, updates, and exports, seamlessly integrating with WooCommerce and more plugins, while efficiently handling bulk image imports.

Pricing model
Plugin price$0-399$0-399$0-179$0-199
Date testedFebbraio 6, 2024Febbraio 6, 2024Giugno 20, 2024Giugno 20, 2024
Flexible input and output formats (XML, CSV)
Support for different content types (taxonomy, WooCommerce products, images)
Large-file import with background processing
Schedule automatic imports and exports
Add filters or queries
More about WP All ImportMore about WP All ExportMore about WP Import ExportMore about WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

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