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Breakdance non è attualmente compatibile con WPML. È possibile riscontrare dei problemi durante l’utilizzo.

Questo plug-in deve essere tradotto manualmente.


– Sviluppato da Soflyy

Versione 1.7

Data dell’ultimo test:

Breakdance is a WordPress website builder plugin. It includes 130+ elements, features like a form builder, header and menu builder, design library, and an easy-to-use UI.

Please note: The team at Breakdance it currently discouraging use with WPML (and some other translation plugins) in the Multilingual section of their FAQs page. In order to achieve a stable integration, there would need to be mutual collaboration and cooperation. Should you wish to see this pushed forward, we recommend that you contact them. Want to use a compatible option instead? We have a list of Page Builders that we recommend for multilingual sites.


Problemi noti

Al momento non vi sono problemi di compatibilità non risolti tra questo plug-in e WPML. Cercate tutti i problemi noti.