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Infinite è compatibile con WPML. Questo tema è stato testato a fondo e può essere utilizzato per creare siti multilingue senza riscontrare problemi.


– Sviluppato da GoodLayers

Versione 3.3.4 (problemi noti)

Data dell’ultimo test: Ottobre 15, 2020

Infinite is a premium theme that incorporates an in-house page builder. This makes it easy to keep your site’s visual identity consistent across all your pages by allowing you to create page sections and sync them across other pages. It also includes a Header custom post type, allowing you to assign different header templates to different pages.

Infinite’s visual features include 12 styles of shape dividers, image or video wrapper, Google Fonts, custom skins, floating navigation, light box options, and more.

Problemi noti

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