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Translate block based cart and checkout page in woocommerce

Bắt đầu bởi: jeppeK-2 tRONG: English Support
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0 19 3 weeks, 2 days trước

Bruno Kos

custom fields pro plugin isn’t allowed to be automatically translated

Bắt đầu bởi: srdjanL-2 tRONG: English Support

0 16 3 weeks, 3 days trước


Langue lors d’un d’un rechargement AJAX

Bắt đầu bởi: mathieuF-14 tRONG: Assistance en français
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0 4 3 weeks, 6 days trước


Frontend shows no modified translations anymore

Bắt đầu bởi: marcV-66 tRONG: English Support
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1 16 3 weeks, 6 days trước

Carlos Rojas

String translations y flexible shipping

Bắt đầu bởi: monicaG-12 tRONG: Soporte en español

0 2 3 weeks, 6 days trước

Carlos Rojas

Default language endpoints

Bắt đầu bởi: robertop-10 tRONG: English Support
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0 4 4 weeks trước

Carlos Rojas

Fix for issue with WPML WooCommerce and the plugin YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor / Marketplace

Bắt đầu bởi: johannesv-2 tRONG: English Support

0 13 4 weeks trước

Waqas Bin Hasan

Custom code default language

Bắt đầu bởi: leonorA tRONG: English Support
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0 5 4 weeks, 1 days trước

Carlos Rojas

Error loading file WP Endpoints-en_US.mo

Bắt đầu bởi: Rico Heinrich tRONG: English Support
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0 8 1 months trước


Issue importing glossary csv file: characters are badly encoded

Bắt đầu bởi: alexandreP-37 tRONG: English Support

0 4 1 months trước

Waqas Bin Hasan

Elementor translated but not aprating in frontend

Bắt đầu bởi: humbertB tRONG: Soporte en español
Giải pháp nhanh chóng có sẵn

1 7 1 months trước

Carlos Rojas

WPML Automatic translation ignores a WYSIWYG Editor ACF field when translating

Bắt đầu bởi: ghledisC tRONG: English Support
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0 4 1 months trước


WooCommerce emails partially wrong language

Bắt đầu bởi: Ton tRONG: English Support
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0 21 1 months trước


Formatting problems with WPForms notification translation

Bắt đầu bởi: alexanderH-85 tRONG: English Support
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0 2 1 months trước

Bruno Kos

Lock admin language to order language

Bắt đầu bởi: tsvetanT tRONG: English Support

0 4 1 months trước

Waqas Bin Hasan