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How to configure the WPML plugin so that it does not translate certain strings

发起人: giladT 中: English Support

3 6 1 years, 9 months前

Mohamed Sayed

Philipines (Tagalog) language in mapping

发起人: giladT 中: English Support

2 2 1 years, 9 months前


WPML chat support ticket by giladT – 1676368207

发起人: giladT 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 10 months前

How i can change "This is a translation of " to English version?

发起人: giladT 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 10 months前

Translations aren't showing on the front-end

发起人: giladT 中: Chat Support

1 4 1 years, 10 months前

WPML chat support ticket by giladT – 1676278322

发起人: giladT 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 10 months前

Problem with Accordion blocks

发起人: giladT 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 10 months前

Изменил текст основной страницы через базу, но при перееходе на

发起人: giladT 中: Поддержка на русском языке

2 2 1 years, 10 months前


WPML chat support ticket by giladT – 1675761633

发起人: giladT 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 10 months前

所有文章的作者 giladT: