



状态 主题
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WooCommerce password reset url not working secondary language

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

0 11 4 days, 23 hours前


Canonical of secundary WooCommerce category shows canonical of primary

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

0 8 2 weeks, 5 days前


Set a new password link in WooCommerce mail not working in secondary languages

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 7 3 months, 2 weeks前

Bruno Kos

Default WP site language incorrect

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 5 5 months前

Shekhar Bhandari

Some of the variations of a product in 2nd langauage are missing

发起人: jaapd-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 7 months, 1 weeks前

Fatal error when changing product variation

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 3 10 months前


Fatal error when changing product variation

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 9 10 months, 1 weeks前


Language switcher incorrect urls flags

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 2 11 months前

Mohamed Sayed

Translated product not visible, gear icon stays

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 2 1 years, 1 months前

Waqas Bin Hasan

URGENT! Secondary languages wrong product urls

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 5 1 years, 2 months前


WPML chat support ticket by jaapd-2 – 1695716864

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

1 1 1 years, 2 months前

rewrite htaccess

发起人: jaapd-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 3 months前

Product base urls not working in secondary languages

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 10 1 years, 3 months前

Prosenjit Barman

When I try to translate a page I don't see all the content to translate

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 6 1 years, 3 months前

Waqas Bin Hasan

2nd language home redirects to primary language

发起人: jaapd-2 中: English Support

2 4 1 years, 4 months前

Nicolas V.

所有文章的作者 jaapd-2: