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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using Custom Fonts with Elementor and Different domains per language, a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Policy issue arises. The custom fonts are always loaded from the original domain, leading to CORS policy errors.


  • Go to WPML > Settings > Post Types Translation
  • Set the post type Custom Fonts (elementor_font) to translate.
  • In the same page but in the Custom Fields Translation section, set the custom field elementor_font_files to translate.
  • Open your translation in ATE.
  • Search for ‚.ttf‘ file.
  • Once you find it, translate the domain URL for the right one.
  • Go to Elementor > Tools.
  • Press the to Regenerate Files & Data button.
  • Clear browser cache.

6 Antworten zu “Elementor - Custom Fonts Cause CORS Policy Issue With Different Domains Per Language”

  1. You could also add the following to your .htaccess to get around this issue very easily:

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin

    You could either allow every page to use it (bad idea)
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

    Or you could just limit it to the domain of your translated page like this:
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""

    The .htaccess file should be in the root directory of your WP installation

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