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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

If you are using Avada theme, you may encounter an issue when the last header layout option in Avada > Options > Header > Header content is selected. While the logo displays as expected in the default language, it disappears when switching to a translated language.


  • Go to. your Dashboard > Appearance > Menu page.
  • Switch to the secondary language.
  • Just click on the Save button.

This action will generate the missing custom fields and will fix the issue.

2 respuestas para “Avada - Logo Not Displayed in Translations when using the "Header content" option”

  1. Hello, i am having trouble with header logo, when you change the language. It turn back to avada logo, and I can`t find the solutions to this trouble. I am using Avada theme. And under dashboard > appearance … also can`t swap it. Maybe you have any idea how to fix this?

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