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Este tema contiene 0 respuestas, tiene 1 voz.

Última actualización por tomS-72 hace 3 días, 10 horas.

Asistido por: Dražen Duvnjak.

Autor Entradas
septiembre 25, 2024 en 6:52 am #16218182


Background of the issue:
I am trying to manage my website which has 3 languages. After editing one of my products, I encountered an issue. Here is the link to the page where the issue can be seen: enlace oculto

I received the message: 'Something went wrong with automatic translation. Please contact WPML support and report that the following automatic translations are stuck: 113207202, 113207203'. I change stock count. The stock count was changed in English, but not in Dutch and French.

What can I do about the automatic translations being stuck?

Este ticket ya está cerrado. Si eres cliente de WPML y necesitas ayuda relacionada, abre un nuevo ticket de soporte.