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You can translate all taxonomy terms at once by assigning them all to a temporary post or page and sending it to translation.

Are all taxonomy terms translated if I have Translate Everything Automatically enabled?

Yes, if you have enabled Translate Everything Automatically mode, you don’t have to worry about translating your taxonomies. All taxonomy terms that are assigned to a post, page, or custom post type are automatically translated with the rest of your site’s content.

How can I translate all my taxonomy terms in one go?

  1. Start by creating all your taxonomies in the site’s default language.
Creating taxonomy terms in the default language
  1. Create a temporary page or post, depending on what post type uses the taxonomy you want to translate. You won’t publish this temporary page, so you can leave the main content empty.
  2. Assign all the taxonomy terms you want to translate to this temporary post.
Assigning all taxonomy terms to a temporary post
  1. Go to the WPML Translation Management page, select the post you just created, assign it to a translator, and add it to the Translation Basket.
  2. Finally, go to the Translation Basket tab, select the translator, and send the basket for translation.
Adding the post to the Translation Basket

When you or your translators receive this job, you will see all the taxonomy terms as fields to translate.

After the translation is done, you can delete your temporary post.