Vous savez que nous nous efforçons constamment d’optimiser le flux des traductions sur les sites qui utilisent des générateurs de …
Sortie de WPML 3.7.0 et de ses multiples améliorations en matière de générateur de page.
Nous venons de publier WPML 3.7.0. Cette version vise à faciliter la traduction de sites construits avec des générateurs de …
How to Prepare for WooCommerce 3.0 on Multilingual Sites
WooCommerce 3.0 is almost ready and planned to be released at the beginning on April. This version includes significant changes. …
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1 comes with an enhanced currency switcher, improved REST API support and it’s also WooCommerce 2.7 ready. Customize …
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1 – beta 1
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1 is finally ready for testing! This release comes with: A new, highly customizable currency switcher inspired from …
WPML 3.6.2 with Stability and Compatibility Improvements
It’s almost time for the holiday breaks and we want to make sure that you can take that well deserved …
WPML 3.6 – Traduction pour les constructeurs de pages, nouveau sélecteur de langue et compatibilité WP 4.7
Cette version de WPML déborde de nouvelle fonctionnalités, est globalement améliorée et est compatible avec WordPress 4.7. Traduction pour les …
WooCommerce Multilingual 4.0
This new WooCommerce Multilingual version brings the long-awaited support for automatic exchange rates and it’s WordPress 4.7 ready. Automatic Exchange …
WPML 3.6.0 Beta With Translation for Divi and Visual Composer
{Updated Post on 6/12/16} WPML 3.6.1 is now released and it applies the configuration to Divi and Visual Composer automatically. …
WooCommerce Multilingual 3.9
This version packs new functionality, compatibility with the upcoming WooCommerce major release, and improved usability. WooCommerce 2.7 ready WooCommerce 2.7 introduces …
WPML 3.5.2 – Stability and Performance Update
We just released an update to WPML, improving performance and resolving a number of glitches. See what’s new, inmproved and …
WPML avec corrections de bogues et une plus grande rapidité
WPML 3.5 comprend une modification majeure de String Translation. Quand nous l’avons lancé, nous avons découvert un certain nombre de …
Want to Try the New Language Switcher Coming to WPML?
WPML is getting an upgraded language switcher, which will allow you easier customization, full control and a nicer setup. A …
WPML 3.5 released, with major improvements to String Translation
After months of development, we’ve just released WPML 3.5. This version focuses on String Translation, improving performance and adding few …
WPML 3.5 Beta – Performance Boost and New Features for String Translation
We’re ready with a beta for WPML 3.5. This release includes major improvements to String Translation, both in functionality and …